All it took was one visit from Jacob Lew… The US
Treasury Secretary was in Europe, arguing that we need more stimulus
over here, and excessive budget cuts are counter-productive. Germany's Finance Minister smiled and
nodded and disagreed with him as loudly as possible: 'Nobody in Europe believes that there's any problem with austerity.'
But - just 3 days later - the Dutch flipped the script. The Rutte Cabinet has now announced they're canceling the proposed budget cuts of EUR 4.3 billion; Germany and Brussels can go stuff their rules. What’s going on here?
But - just 3 days later - the Dutch flipped the script. The Rutte Cabinet has now announced they're canceling the proposed budget cuts of EUR 4.3 billion; Germany and Brussels can go stuff their rules. What’s going on here?
It’s been a looong winter. In my personal
financial experience, we’re still waiting for the first quarter to end. 1 April
is Tax Day. It’s meant to be a fresh, new start for Quarter 2. Unfortunately,
we’re still waiting for so many old invoices to be paid that we can’t turn the
corner. Everyone is short on cash. Personally, I’d agree with the US: more
budget cuts would be even more painful.
And that’s when it’s time for me to play Devil’s Advocate to my
own idea. Surely there must be something good about economic pain we’re
feeling? Just as I was entertaining this notion, another headline popped into
my inbox: Dutch households have the highest debt-to-income ratio in the
Of course, this is no surprise to me, since I’ve watched inflation
rise (2nd highest in EU) as pay has stagnated.
But how can the Dutch have the highest debt-to-income ratio? Aren’t the Dutch
famously stingy? And that’s where the budget-slashers may have a point: the
Dutch are not nearly as stingy as they like to think. In fact, they can be
wantonly wasteful.
I’ll use myself as an example of wasteful frivolity. Last week, I
wrote about how my household carelessly threw away hundreds of euros on parking
a car in Amsterdam. (The situation is now resolved, thank you.) But we also
just got a warning from the electric company that our meter readings have been
off the charts in the last 12 months. This may have something to do with the
fact that my children are not content unless they have at least 3 screens
glowing at any given time.
And my Dutch co-workers keep throwing out my bread. ‘Where’s my
bread.’ I’ll ask. ‘What bread? Oh, that rubbish from yesterday? I threw it in
the garbage.’ No, if bread is kept at all, it must be kept at room temperature
until it is Not-Quite-Fresh bread. And Not-Quite-Fresh bread must be thrown
out. And if you take the trouble to throw your breadcrumbs to the birds, they
assume you must be Muslim. The front page of Het Parool recently stated that the amount of food disposed of by
Amsterdam each day could feed a small city. (The fact that Amsterdam IS a small
city proves that Parool really is
Amsterdam’s newspaper).
Okay, Germany! You budget slashers have made
your point. Maybe there is room for more efficiency and less waste. But
shouldn’t we be able to increase our income a little as well? Can’t we
compromise and find a 3rd way? Hopefully, as we can see, the Dutch
polder model is alive and well.
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