Marketing the Netherlands in a Crisis - A Terrible Idea Gone
Wonderfully Right
The ‘Fascinating Vriesland ‘ Viral Video
24 April, 2013
I’ve worked on some weird projects. But one terrible idea
went horribly right.
In my line of work as a comedian / voice-over / writer, I’ve
had all manner of bizarre pitches.
When the economy is chugging along, it’s easy to say no to
the super-weird. But when the economy is in tatters, it’s surprising at what
I’ll say yes to.
- I’ve moderated a corporate event, in character as a tech
- I’ve done my solo show in the front entrance of a public
building – with the doors open.
- I’ve done a standup comedy show in the nose of a 747,
dressed as Sinterklaas.
And these are the projects that turned out well.
…Then there are the projects that are too far-fetched to survive. I was once in the voice-over booth, when the client said,
…Then there are the projects that are too far-fetched to survive. I was once in the voice-over booth, when the client said,
‘Can you try it again, a bit more convincing?’ I was not
convincing enough.
‘Can you try it a bit more authoritative?’ I was not authoritative
‘Can you try to sound like Patrick Stewart?’
It was at that point I realized, ‘Are you looking for a
British voice?’
‘Yes! Can you do that?’ No.
I should have known. But sometimes you can’t tell.
It’s alarming how long a project can survive, without anyone
having a clear idea of what they want. So when I got the call for a
‘Fascinating Friesland’ voice-over, I was on Red Alert.
The call came via my management office. Some guy was looking
for a native English speaker to come to Friesland for a voice-over.
I asked if the taping could be in Amsterdam.
‘Sure,’ was the answer. Hmmm… Way too easy.
I asked what kind of studio set up they had.
‘We’ll figure something out,’ was the answer. Again way too
I asked about the text.
‘We’re still working on it… In fact, could you translate
This was a recipe for disaster. So of course, I said yes.
This was a recipe for disaster. So of course, I said yes.
2 guys showed up at the office: a guy about my age with a
Croatian accent and a young Dutch guy, who turned out to be the intern. Mr.
Croatian explained that he’d moved to Friesland years ago, and he’d gone
native. He spoke English, Croatian, Dutch and – of course - Fries. He explained
that the marketing department for the Province of Friesland had been almost
completely laid-off. The entire tourism industry of Friesland was now down to 1
man. But he had just enough budget to make a funny, quirky online video.
Luckily, the text was okay. I translated it, punched it up a
bit, and read it into the portable mic they’d set up. I told him, ‘with the
right visuals, it could be like that video from last year “The Difference
Between Holland and The Netherlands.”’ Amazingly, they wouldn’t give him
permission to use their visuals. The publicly funded broadcaster ‘Omroep
Vryslan’ didn’t feel the need to cooperate with Friesland Marketing. This gives
new meaning to the term ‘Provincial.’
Sure enough, the producer found the images anyway. He
released it yesterday, and today it already has about 50,000 views on YouTube.
(And now, suddenly, Omroep Fryslan wants a copy.)
And so, if Friesland is to pull itself through this economic
crisis, it may well be thanks to a Croatian immigrant, his Frisian intern, and
an American Netherlander.