26 okt. 2012
Republicans in Nederland.
According to most Dutch people I talk to, is it an utter
mystery that anyone would consider voting for Mitt Romney. We ask it onstage
every night: Who’s excited about Barack Obama? And the crowd goes wild. But
that’s Boom Chicago: a left-leaning theater in a lefty city in a ‘socialist’
continent. And every night we point that out. We analyze who exactly is so
excited for Obama 2012. It’s mostly Dutch people. And expats. And backpacking
college students. It’s everyone except the people who actually vote in US
We also ask ‘Who’s excited about Mitt Romney?’ The answer is
mostly silence. But occasionally we get some Dutch people. Yes, Dutch Romney
supporters do exist. Just last night, we got an enthusiastic cheer from Arjan,
who was in attendance with his auto-leasing company. He was quite surprised
that none of his colleagues joined him in cheering. His favorite thing about
Romney is that ‘Obama always needs a teleprompter.’ This proves that –
surprisingly – some Dutch people are also watching FoxNews.
Every time we get someone who does support Romney, we ask ‘…And
where in Israel are you from?’ Of course, it’s just a joke. But it was extra
funny when one Romney supporter said ‘How did you know my family is from
Israel?’ Jokingly, we said ‘Because we can tell you think Obama is a Muslim.’
And – if you want to see more Dutch Romney-supporters – just
turn on your tv. Dutch talk shows are still full of right-wing white guys like
Leon de Winter, Kay van de Linde and Charles Groenhuisen. But the best was my
encounter with the head of Republicans Abroad, who is married to a Dutch woman.
She’s from Wassenaar with the hairstyle to match. She supports Romney because
‘Someone should tell all these bums to get a job.’ I asked her what she did for
work, and she scoffed ‘I don’t have
to work.’